Patrick Stefan Rheinert

Career path


Born in Mettach, Germany

German nationality, father of two sons

1980 - 1989

Studied architectural engineering at the RWTH Aachen (Germany)

1988 - 1989

Urban planning studies at INSA Lyon, GCU Department


Graduated as a German engineer-architect, founded the firm AGENCE RHEINERT SARL

Depuis 2008

Development of the architectural model Récipro-Cité, garden city XXIè siècle and the grünboX, convertible building

2010 - 2021

Development of the grünboX model, convertible, low-energy, self-developed and self-managed buildings with extensive greening


Co-founder and partner of Récipro-cité ESUS, an engineering company for living together, specialising in intergenerational diversity in housing and territories

2018 - 2020

Co-founder and partner of OXYGEN Architecture SARL


Founder and president of "architecture future" implemented the "Tiny House", a living laboratory of compact and multifunctional living spaces

sas d’architecture capital 4.444€   siret  892 007 444 

75 Rue Victor Faugier 

38200  Vienne  France

+33 09 86 57 25 44