Sylvain Auvray


Founder in 2017 and President of CITYNEO SAS, a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) engineering company, Co-founder of Récipro-cité

Career path


1999 - 2011

Construction supervisor, then construction manager in the building and public works sector 

Head of cabinet then director of cabinet of Gérard Collomb, Mayor of Lyon 

2011 - 2014

2014 - 2016

Director of Cabinet of Alain Rousset and Inspector General of Services of the Regional Council of Aquitaine 

Director of Cabinet of Johanna Rolland, Mayor of Nantes and President of Nantes Métropole 

sas d’architecture capital 4.444€   siret  892 007 444 

75 Rue Victor Faugier 

38200  Vienne  France

+33 09 86 57 25 44